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Portable heater recommendations
Go to Costco and get the Mr heater buddy heater bundle.  I think I saw it for 69 or 74$. Takes one small green tank on the side and the Costco bundle comes with the hose so you can hook up a big propane tank if you want. That hose is around 30$ so the bundle just makes sense. The metal protective grill on it can be removed and flipped around to hold stuff but I like the small painter roller grill grates at Home Depot for 2$. They work awesome on there. Just flip it upside down and stick the hook parts around your handle. You can grill hotdogs, heat up foil wrapped breakfast burritos, get a small aluminum tray and heat up your food, boil water, just about anything. And it’s strong too. I have one for my buddy heater and the larger one for my big buddy heater.

Messages In This Thread
Portable heater recommendations - by Kent - 01-27-2023, 10:16 PM
RE: Portable heater recommendations - by EyLayo - 01-27-2023, 11:08 PM
RE: Portable heater recommendations - by Kent - 01-28-2023, 12:43 AM
RE: Portable heater recommendations - by herefishyfishyfishy - 01-28-2023, 04:28 AM
RE: Portable heater recommendations - by JazzyM - 01-28-2023, 04:55 AM
RE: Portable heater recommendations - by T-Boz - 01-28-2023, 07:28 PM

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