05-31-2023, 05:17 AM
Needed to get the kinks out - of me, boat, and my gear..buddy and I chose E.C. for our first trip of the season..windy when we launched at 0800, but then turned very pleasant the rest of the A.M...great boating conditions..I was a little surprised, only 4 or 5 other fishing boats seen all A.M., but 2 jet boats had to do their thing starting about 1000, and about a dozen sail boats close to the marina, probably training...Water is very high, only about a 20' ramp to the water, so I think RR2 could handle that hike back up..Lots of water means that what fish are in there, well, they have lots of places to hide...definitely not fast fishing today, but we did manage to land a few Rainbows, and glad we could save all the bass for someone else..7 landed, mostly smalls, but 1 nice 16"er...water very clean, except closer to the dam, where flotsam and jetsam will bother you...IMO, it may be another month before this Res. settles down for some decent trolling...but you never know if you don't go..Guluk..