01-19-2024, 09:39 PM
As a veteran "minnowologist" I'll toss in a couple of thoughts. First of all, there are no fail-safe blanket rules for minnowing in the winter. All waters are different and the minnows usually have different "patterns" in each water. A lot of that is based on the predator-prey ratio and relationship. If there are a lot of predators living on a limited number of minnows you will not find large schools of minnows freely swimming in the open. They will tend to hang out in shallower water or structure to keep away from the hungry mouths. In other waters...like Starvation used to be...the chubs are overly numerous and you can find them all over the lake in any area where there is enough oxygen and food for them.
Only place I have ever sunk a minnow trap in winter is on Settlement Canyon...up out of Tooele. Was told it was loaded with chubs. After about 10 tries, finally found a hole with a few minnows. But definitely not worth the effort.
Much better to stock up during open water.
Only place I have ever sunk a minnow trap in winter is on Settlement Canyon...up out of Tooele. Was told it was loaded with chubs. After about 10 tries, finally found a hole with a few minnows. But definitely not worth the effort.
Much better to stock up during open water.