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(02-24-2024, 08:08 PM)UTFISHING Wrote:
(02-24-2024, 06:14 PM)TubeDude Wrote: Once the ice leaves the harbors the white bass tend to scatter throughout the lake...hunting for food or warmer pockets of water.  They may gather in a few small areas but they don't really start swarming close to share for spawning until the water gets a lot warmer...about 60 degrees.  In short, probably no reliable places to take a youngun with the expectation of getting large numbers of whities...yet.  But along about the first of May they will be showing up in a lot of places.  Watch the reports.

Tube dude if I could have 10% of your knowledge about fishing I would feel unstoppable on the water!!!

You the man I love how you're always willing to help folks out!! 

I ended up taking my grandson to the local fishing pond and we ended up with a couple rainbows that we are having for lunch right now....

Thanks all.
Always happy to help when I can.  I have fishing experience on Utah Lake going back to 1961. (yeah, I'm that old)  I have fished it every month of the year and have experienced a lot of ups and downs in water level, water quality, weather conditions, fish population changes, etc.  I don't claim to know it all but I have had enough experience that I feel confident in making suggestions and observations.  

About 3 years ago there was a winter kill in some shallow areas of the lake during a drought cycle.  It wiped out a lot of white bass.  And last year in the spring there was a big die off...for unexplained reasons.  So the overall white bass population is down from some peak years.  But they are prolific and bounce back quickly.  They had a good spawn last year and the adults are showing up in larger sizes (up to 14") than we have seen in a few years.  but there are not as many.  Seems to work that way...lots of small ones or just a few larger ones.  The old cookie jar situation.  So, once you find them this year you should do well with some decent sizes.  

Good on ya for hitting the community pond.  That is exactly what they are there help youngsters and other folks with limited time, transportation or fishing skills to at least get some tugs.  My wife and I have helped out with the DWR youth fishing program a couple of years and it was great helping youngsters catch their first fish and to become more skilled at basic fishing.  Here's a picture of a couple of sisters we coached and a couple of fish they caught on one session.  The Smiles tell it all.

Messages In This Thread
UTAH LAKE WHITE BASS ???? - by UTFISHING - 02-24-2024, 04:26 PM
RE: UTAH LAKE WHITE BASS ???? - by fishnate - 02-24-2024, 05:49 PM
RE: UTAH LAKE WHITE BASS ???? - by UTFISHING - 02-24-2024, 06:01 PM
RE: UTAH LAKE WHITE BASS ???? - by TubeDude - 02-24-2024, 06:14 PM
RE: UTAH LAKE WHITE BASS ???? - by UTFISHING - 02-24-2024, 08:08 PM
RE: UTAH LAKE WHITE BASS ???? - by TubeDude - 02-24-2024, 09:12 PM

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