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Wisconsin and Vermont are trying to tackle some of the problems wake boats cause
Just an update that the Vermont rule passed:

Starting April 15, 2024, wakesports using a wakeboat shall only occur within defined wakesport zones. This rule only applies to those who operate a wakeboat in Vermont’s lakes, ponds, and reservoirs. The new rules were added under Section 3 of the Use of Public Waters Rules.

A wakesport zone is defined as an area of a lake or pond that has a minimum of 50 contiguous acres that are:

At least 500 feet from shore on all sides.
At least 20 feet deep
At least 200 feet wide

Only lakes and ponds that vessels powered by internal combustion motors are allowed and may be used at speeds exceeding 5 miles per hour are eligible for wakesport zones.

Wakesports zones are open to all uses permitted on the subject waterbody and not exclusive to wakesports

Based on the criteria above, 30 inland lakes and ponds in Vermont are eligible for wakesports, that are regulated under the Use of Public Waters Rules. The Use of Public Waters Rules restricting wakesports to wakesports zones do not apply to Lake Champlain, Wallace Pond, Lake Memphremagog, and Connecticut River Reservoirs.

Under this Rule, wakesports are prohibited on all other lakes, ponds and reservoirs under jurisdiction of Use of Public Waters Rules Rules.

Please note: These maps are generated using spatial analysis and bathymetric data; additional ground-truthing may be required, and waterbody conditions may change over time.

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RE: Wisconsin and Vermont are trying to tackle some of the problems wake boats cause - by smokepoles - 04-07-2024, 04:03 AM

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