05-04-2024, 02:49 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-04-2024, 02:52 AM by obifishkenobi.)
(05-03-2024, 03:51 PM)LanceL Wrote: I picked up a boat last fall for duck hunting. I would like to set it up for fishing in the off season. I don't need anything fancy, but I would like to set it up for trolling. I know the basic essentials that I will need. My question is, what kind of rigs do most use while trolling for trout? I have heard of pop gear, but I have no idea what it is. It is probably a silly question, but I would just like some advice on what to start with.Robert Liketrolling has given you some good advice, in the spring and fall the fish are up high in the water column and you can catch them on your favorite spinner, spoon, rapala type lures or dodgers and squids long lined, they all work. As somebody else posted pop gear works as well but not nearly as much fun as the gear pulls harder than the fish in many cases. All season fishermen follow the fish down with several tactics, the best being down-riggers. Watch You tube videos to learn tactics and techniques. Other than sling blades and squids my favorite lures are little Cleo spoons and Jakes.