08-01-2024, 04:29 PM
I really liked the Marinco plugs on my old Scotty Downriggers. New boat came with Cannon downriggers and cannon plugs. Just had to replace the battery side cable/plug on the starboard side of the boat a couple weeks ago. Both downriggers worked on Port side, neither worked on Starboard...Fuse/circuit breaker was good...problem was literally in the non-servicable (sealed) plug portion.
Considered replacing with the Marincos but wanted to just get it done...bought the repacement Cannon plug. done. Not a good design.
Considered replacing with the Marincos but wanted to just get it done...bought the repacement Cannon plug. done. Not a good design.
I used to N.ot have E.nough T.ime O.ff to go fishing. Then I retired. Now I have less time than I had before. Sheesh.