04-02-2004, 05:34 AM
[ul][li][#ff0000][size 1]Fresh Water[/size][/#ff0000] [li][size 1]Name of the species[#ff0000] White Sucker[/#ff0000][/size] [li][size 1]Length [#ff0000]22.25 inches 5 pounds 12 ounces (5.73lb)[/#ff0000][/size][#ff0000] [/#ff0000] [li][size 1]Date caught [#ff0000]April 1st 2004[/#ff0000][/size] [li][size 1]City and state caught [#ff0000]Commerce Twp Michigan[/#ff0000][/size][/li][/ul] [center]
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[/center] [center]The State Record for this Species is 7 pounds 3 ounces. The holder of this record is Tim Engler at 22.5 inches in lenth, was caught on 4-15-1995 at 4 pm out of the Kalamazoo River in Allegan County Michigan [/center] [left]The minimum size for Master Angler entry for this species is if caught and released is 20 inches and if caught and kept goes by a weight and that is a minum of 3 pounds 0 ounces[/left] [center]This fish was positivily Identified as a master angler entry by the Department of Natural Resources Lovinia Michigan April 1st 2004[/center] [center]worthy of going in the michigan record books for white suckers caught in the state of michigan for 2004 and as an entry I will receive a patch to sew on to my vest.[/center]This big sucker was caught in the rain using a werm that was picked up off the ground from spring's first worm rain.