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The Ultimate 16 Species Fishing Contest 2004
stergeon is on my list too, I half to wait till june before I can even get the tag from the dnr they have been protected here in michigan for a number of years now. the season opens the 16th of july and closes agan september 30th. That is unless you can make it out to the middle of lake michgan and fish the boundry waters the season there is spetember 6th through november 1st.

***any one fishing for them must have a tag prior to fishing.

there are only a couple places where you can catch them and keep them Lake st clair and the st clair river and mi and wis boundry waters. In the boundry waters the minimum lenth is 70+ inches, in the st clair area the size is slotted, between 42 and 50 inches every thing else must be released.

there is one other season but that is by lottery on black lake in the middle of febuary, (Ice Fishing)

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Re: [chiefpanfish] The Ultimate 16 Species Fishing Contest 2004 - by davetclown - 05-18-2004, 04:42 PM

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