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Devils Creek report 5-25
We trolled at Devils Creek most of the morning Tuesday and had fair success on the rainbows. The fish were mostly in the south half closer to the dam and we didn't see that many in the shallower water. It didn't look like the bait fishermen were having much success either. Most of the fish were suspended around eighteen to twenty five feet deep. The ones we caught hit Panther Martin spinners running quite deep. The size was twelve to fifteen inches long and nice healthy fish, only wish we caught more of them. We tried trolling flat fish for awhile but no takers, so we went back to the spinners, but by then the bite had stopped. Still a fun day on the lake with my son. Acey

Messages In This Thread
Devils Creek report 5-25 - by acey - 05-26-2004, 05:45 AM
Re: [acey] Devils Creek report 5-25 - by BrianID - 05-27-2004, 10:55 PM

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