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June 19 Large Mouth Bass Fishing at Piscataway Creek, MD
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[size 1]8 AM meeting for high tide fishing Kinta Diven again this year offers an outing at her parent's home on Piscataway Creek. Fish on a private section of shoreline or take your canoe or kayak out to the flats fishing for large mouth bass. Bass Tourneys are held at this location so there are good sizes and numbers. Two hours before and after high tide is best for fishing and high tide is at 10:06 AM on this day. A minimum of 9' rod, 5 wt with 4x leaders is suggested. [/size]

[size 1]Leader: Kinta Diven. [/size]

[size 1]RSVP: call Kinta Divan at 301-829-3393 and get directions and advice on what to bring. [/size]

[size 1]License requirement: MD Tidal Sport or VA. Reciprocal policy applies. [/size][size 3][/size]

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June 19 Large Mouth Bass Fishing at Piscataway Creek, MD - by davetclown - 06-02-2004, 11:40 PM

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