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Fish Atractant
I own several brands for several different styles of fishing,

the one thing I can tell you is that if the fish are not bitting at all then it wont matter what you throw in front of them... they sill aint gonna bite.

on the other hand when they are on the cusp of the bite eather side then the atractants works well and dose draw fish in mush the same as a bloody fish. one of the best attractants you could posibly use is free and comes to you every time you catch a fish and is over looked by the most avid of angler and that is the bloody fish, every time you reel in a fish you gain a sent that you transfer to your bait and to the the water if you are wise enough to rinse your hand back in the lake. the blood and oil rinsed off your hand will attract more fish than any store bought materials I have ever used...

but to say do I catch more fish than the guy next to me, well it all depends on who is sitting next to me... lol, you just cant beat the "Old Timers"

Messages In This Thread
Fish Atractant - by jclark102 - 06-02-2004, 04:30 AM
Re: [jclark102] Fish Atractant - by gdn443 - 06-02-2004, 09:38 AM
Re: [jclark102] Fish Atractant - by tubeN2 - 06-02-2004, 01:49 PM
Re: [jclark102] Fish Atractant - by Bassmaster-ND - 06-02-2004, 01:59 PM
Re: [jclark102] Fish Atractant - by SenkoSam - 06-02-2004, 07:40 PM
Re: [SenkoSam] Fish Atractant - by jclark102 - 06-02-2004, 11:57 PM
Re: [jclark102] Fish Atractant - by lonehunter - 06-03-2004, 02:07 AM
Re: [jclark102] Fish Atractant - by daymere - 06-03-2004, 04:00 AM
Re: [jclark102] Fish Atractant - by davetclown - 06-04-2004, 01:44 PM

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