06-16-2004, 02:58 PM
Bristol Bay Area Fresh Waters
Eastern Section Salmon: Kvichak River drainage south to Cape Menshikof: [ul] [li]Naknek and Alagnak drainage king salmon: King salmon angling should improve this week. A few kings are being caught in the subsistence fishery; however, it is still early. [li]Central Section Salmon: Nushagak/Mulchatna and Wood River drainages: [li]Nushagak drainage king salmon: It is still early, but kings are starting to show up and anglers should expect to catch a few kings this week. Sport fishing should improve throughout the week. The sonar will be fully operational by June 9. The preseason forecast for the total run is 145,000 kings. Inseason management will be based on escapement numbers and follow provisions laid out in the Nushagak-Mulchatna Chinook Salmon Management Plan No significant escapement information will be available until after June 20. [li]Guide and angler informational meetings are tentatively scheduled for Thursday, June 17, at the Choggiung Office in Portage Creek, and Friday, June 18, at the Ekwok City building. The public is encouraged to attend. [/li][/ul]
Western Section Salmon: Drainages from Nushagak Bay west to Cape Newenham, including the Togiak River. [ul] [li]Togiak River king salmon: A few kings may have entered the river, but it is still early for the Togiak. Sport fishing will not be productive for at least another week. [li]Eastern Section Resident Fish: [li]Rainbow trout fishing opened June 8. Angler success was fair to excellent in the Naknek and Kvichak drainages and good fishing opportunities should continue this week as rainbow trout feed on out-migrating sockeye salmon smolt. [li]Naknek and Kvichak drainage grayling, pike, and char: Angling remains fair to very good. [/li][/ul]
Central Section Resident Fish: [ul] [li]
Wood River Lakes system fishing opportunities are very good. Char fishing is reportedly good to excellent at the outlets of salmon spawning streams as smolt move down river. [li]Northern pike fishing should be good along lake and slough shores. [/li][/ul]
Western Section Resident Fish: [ul] [li]ยท There still have been no angling reports from this section, though opportunities for grayling, char, pike, and rainbow trout should continue to improve throughout the week. [/li][/ul]
Eastern Section Salmon: Kvichak River drainage south to Cape Menshikof: [ul] [li]Naknek and Alagnak drainage king salmon: King salmon angling should improve this week. A few kings are being caught in the subsistence fishery; however, it is still early. [li]Central Section Salmon: Nushagak/Mulchatna and Wood River drainages: [li]Nushagak drainage king salmon: It is still early, but kings are starting to show up and anglers should expect to catch a few kings this week. Sport fishing should improve throughout the week. The sonar will be fully operational by June 9. The preseason forecast for the total run is 145,000 kings. Inseason management will be based on escapement numbers and follow provisions laid out in the Nushagak-Mulchatna Chinook Salmon Management Plan No significant escapement information will be available until after June 20. [li]Guide and angler informational meetings are tentatively scheduled for Thursday, June 17, at the Choggiung Office in Portage Creek, and Friday, June 18, at the Ekwok City building. The public is encouraged to attend. [/li][/ul]
Western Section Salmon: Drainages from Nushagak Bay west to Cape Newenham, including the Togiak River. [ul] [li]Togiak River king salmon: A few kings may have entered the river, but it is still early for the Togiak. Sport fishing will not be productive for at least another week. [li]Eastern Section Resident Fish: [li]Rainbow trout fishing opened June 8. Angler success was fair to excellent in the Naknek and Kvichak drainages and good fishing opportunities should continue this week as rainbow trout feed on out-migrating sockeye salmon smolt. [li]Naknek and Kvichak drainage grayling, pike, and char: Angling remains fair to very good. [/li][/ul]
Central Section Resident Fish: [ul] [li]
Wood River Lakes system fishing opportunities are very good. Char fishing is reportedly good to excellent at the outlets of salmon spawning streams as smolt move down river. [li]Northern pike fishing should be good along lake and slough shores. [/li][/ul]
Western Section Resident Fish: [ul] [li]ยท There still have been no angling reports from this section, though opportunities for grayling, char, pike, and rainbow trout should continue to improve throughout the week. [/li][/ul]