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tubing trip what do you think
IF Jordanelle is the place , then maybe it should be a big perch contest and all other fish left out . Perch need to be thinned so it would help the lake . I would also say maybe the first person with 50 perch to win but I have a hard enough time keeping track of my count at 20 . I run out of toes and fingers to count with . LOL Just a thought . Lets just keep it simple . I would hate to see someone trying to find someone to verify a fish and have it die for this .

Messages In This Thread
tubing trip what do you think - by aquaman - 06-17-2004, 12:38 PM
Re: [aquaman] tubing trip what do you think - by Hellsangler69 - 06-17-2004, 10:48 PM

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