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Willard Report 07/02/04 Second best day this year
We hit the same sand bar in the marina but I guess I forget to mention the sand bar that is on the south side after you go out of the channel.

[size 5]For anyone that hasn't read my post from earlier this year, there are two islands that are underwater on the left and right side after you go out the channel of the north marina. The island on the right is all rock, the island on the left is mainly a sand bar but it also has rocks. When you leave the North marina go straight out for at least two hundred yards before going north or south. There are a lot of underwater ridges if you head toward the swim beach or the outlet so your best bet is to stay away from that area unless you are very brave or.........[/size]

Acey, our lures were going about 6 or 7 ft deep but I would say that any given day or time might be different so your best bet is to try everything and never stay in one area if they aren't biting, good luck. WH2

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Re: [acey] Willard Report 07/02/04 Second best day this year - by wiperhunter2 - 07-05-2004, 02:27 AM

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