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Upper Bay
[url ""][Image: upperbaymap2.JPG][/url]Upper Bay:
New Feature - [url "javascriptTongueopUp('','remote2',325,500);"]Real-time water information[/url] for selected points in the Northern Bay
Reports from the below the Conowingo Dam and the Susquehanna Flats have been very favorable the last few days despite the recent heavy rainstorms. Fishermen are reporting that the water is surprisingly clear, but there was mention of floating debris, "floaties" as they are known in the area. Fishermen are reporting good fishing with top water lures for striped bass in the weed beds in the Flats area. A good selection of legal-size striped bass have moved into the area to compliment the smaller fish that have been entertaining top water anglers for weeks now. Fishing for channel catfish continues to be a hot ticket in the channel regions down the upper bay to Poole’s Island. Chicken livers and night crawlers have been the best bait for his non-stop action.
Fishermen pursuing striped bass by chumming have been enjoying very good fishing on nearly all of the traditional grounds. Belvidere Shoals, the 6,7,and 9-foot Shoals, Tea Kettle Shoals Swan Point and Podickory Point are just a few spots reported with good catches. Chummers are using razor clams and the traditional menhaden with very good success in these areas. Fishermen are also fishing these areas in the evenings fishing with peelers and live lining white perch in the evenings without chum. Breaking fish are being seen throughout the region and have been a mix of small striped bass and snapper bluefish. Many fishermen are having very good success on larger fish, by vertical jigging under the schools of the smaller feeding fish. Those who enjoy casting to shoreline structure with top water lures have been enjoying excellent opportunities throughout the region at favorite haunts such as The Patapsco.
White perch and a recent infusion of croakers have been entertaining anglers on most all shoal areas and major rivers such as the Severn. Crabbing has been a little slow for recreational crabbers, but reports note it is much better than last week, so conditions are improving.

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