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Recent Fishing Reports for Alaska. 7/24
POW rpt for 7/12-7/18

Salt-water fishing off the west coast of Prince of Wales (POW) Island was excellent again last week. For anglers fishing for chinook last week out of the ports of Craig and Klawock it took an average of 11 hours of effort per king salmon, the same as the previous week, and better than the 5-year average of 29 hours/fish. Coho salmon fishing was excellent last week, as it took an average of 3 hours of effort to land a coho, right at the five-year average. Halibut came in at 1 hour/fish, better than the 5-year average of 4 hours/fish for this same time period, and the best of any Southeast port sampled last week. Anglers are also catching a few pinks and chums. Anglers are reminded to check ADF&G 's main web page for in-season regulation changes for king salmon, lingcod and the prohibition on filleting of king, coho and lingcod until returning to port under the emergency order icon. Inquires about in-season changes can also be addressed by calling the POW office at (907) 826-2498 or dropping by the office in Craig.
Salt-water fishing off the west coast of Prince of Wales (POW) Island was excellent again last week. For anglers fishing for chinook last week out of the ports of Craig and Klawock it took an average of 11 hours of effort per king salmon, the same as the previous week, and better than the 5-year average of 29 hours/fish. Coho salmon fishing was excellent last week, as it took an average of 3 hours of effort to land a coho, right at the five-year average. Halibut came in at 1 hour/fish, better than the 5-year average of 4 hours/fish for this same time period, and the best of any Southeast port sampled last week. Anglers are also catching a few pinks and chums. Anglers are reminded to check ADF&G 's main web page for in-season regulation changes for king salmon, lingcod and the prohibition on filleting of king, coho and lingcod until returning to port under the emergency order icon.

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