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Southeast Region
Abundant rainfall in May and early June have kept small irrigation reservoirs at reasonable levels. However temperatures in the 90s are beginning this week so water levels may begin to drop fast. Hawkins Reservoir is one of the lowest reservoirs at this time. High elevation reservoir such as Montpelier and 24-Mile should be best for trout fishing as the weather warms. Other reservoirs would be best early in the morning before the water warms for the day.
Anglers are having good luck with bluegill at Twin Lakes. You may also want to try Lamont Reservoir for bluegill.
Anglers seeking largemouth bass should try Glendale, Lamont, Twin Lakes and Condie reservoirs in Franklin county. Smallmouth anglers are focusing on American Falls Reservoir and the Snake River downriver from that reservoir.
This is a good time of year to give stream fishing a try. Pebble and Toponce creeks on the upper Portneuf River and the upper Portneuf itself should be good bets. Also the upper Blackfoot River (above Blackfoot Reservoir) and larger tributaries of the lower Blackfoot such as Brush and Minor creek should be good fishing for cutthroat trout. Once irrigation decreases on the Blackfoot River (in late August) cutthroat trout fishing on the lower Blackfoot River will be good.

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