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Bluegill Fishing in Missouri
[Image: kid.jpg] Do you remember your first fishing trip or maybe your child's first fishing trip? Chances are these early experiences involved worms, bobbers, and the bluegill. This scrappy, highly cooperative, member of the sunfish Family is an important part of many childhood fishing memories. Although the bluegill is an ideal fish for young anglers, their popularity does not end there. The readily available, tasty bluegill is sought by anglers of all ages and abilities. If you doubt the importance of bluegill to Missouri anglers, note the number of people fishing with bobbers and worms the next time you fish a public lake. In fact, bluegill have the highest harvest rate of any fish in Missouri's lakes.
Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus (The Greek word Lepomismeans "scaled gill cover" and the Greek word macrochirus means "large hand", probably referring to the bluegill's size and shape.)
[Other names: sunfish, perch, sunperch, copperbelly, coppernose, bream, yellowbelly, baldface, plumb granny, pond perch]
The bluegill is native to central and eastern United States but has been introduced throughout much of North America. In Missouri, the bluegill is one of the most widely distributed and abundant members of the Family Centrarchidae - the Sunfish Family. Although the term "sunfish" is often used when referring to the bluegill, it is a Family name which also includes crappie, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, green sunfish, and many other sunfishes.
[Image: male_gill.jpg] APPEARANCE
Bluegill are deep-bodied, slab-sided fish with small mouths. The back and sides are olive- green to brown, often with vertical bars on the sides. The lower portion of the gill cover is blue, hence the name "bluegill". Males become darker during spawning and develop deep orange/red breasts and lavender sides. Bluegill are most recognizable by the orange belly, the dark lobe on the gill cover, and the black spot near the base of the soft dorsal fin.
[Image: bluegill_beds.jpg] Bluegill begin spawning in May and June in Missouri when water temperatures exceed 70 degrees F and spawning may continue off and on through the summer. The male builds and defends saucer-shaped nests, typically in water from 1 to 4 feet deep and in close proximity to other bluegill nests. Nests are from 1 to 2 feet in diameter and several inches deep. Colonies of bluegill nests are often visible from shore and are said to resemble elephant tracks. Females lay eggs in the nests and males fertilize the eggs, guard them from predators, and keep them silt-free by fanning with their tail. A single female can carry over 50,000 eggs and will typically lay eggs in several nests. Eggs sink and adhere to the substrate in the nest. Eggs hatch in a couple of days and the tiny bluegill are free-swimming and ready to leave the nest in about a week. Bluegill growth varies considerably from lake to lake. In some lakes bluegill can reach 8 inches in less than 4 years but in other lakes they may live for 8 to 10 years and never reach 8 inches. The current Missouri record is 3 lbs and the current US record was caught in Alabama and weighed 4lbs 12oz.
The bluegill's small mouth, even in adult fish, gives us an insight into their feeding habits. Young bluegill, like most small fish, feed on tiny, aquatic invertebrates called zooplankton. As bluegill grow they add slightly larger invertebrates to their diet including aquatic and terrestrial insects. Bluegill are sight feeders and feed primarily during daylight hours.
Although most lakes and ponds contain bluegill, only some produce the large bluegill desired by most anglers. A combination of factors need to be present in a lake to produce large bluegill. Good water quality, suitable habitat, and the proper selection and abundance of other fish species are necessary to grow large bluegill.
A key factor in producing quality bluegill fishing is preventing bluegill from becoming too abundant. When bluegill are too abundant, their growth is slow and few, if any, reach desirable sizes. This situation is often referred to as "stunting", is very common, and results in poor bluegill fishing. In Missouri, the most effective way to control bluegill numbers is by maintaining abundant largemouth bass populations. In fact, the best bluegill fishing often occurs in lakes and ponds where bass are so abundant that their growth is slowed. In this situation, the bass rarely reach large sizes but because they effectively control bluegill numbers, the bluegill grow fast, reach large sizes, and produce quality fishing. Because of this relationship, it is often desirable to manage some lakes for quality bluegill fishing and other lakes for producing large bass. Trying to accomplish both goals in the same lake often results in poor bluegill fishing.
Good bluegill lakes have clear water and underwater vegetation. These conditions are critical in producing quality bluegill fishing for several reasons. Clear water allows underwater vegetation to grow which serves as home for the aquatic invertebrates bluegill eat (see Feeding Habits). Aquatic vegetation also promotes clear water by reducing shoreline erosion and preventing wind from stirring shallow sediments. Clear water is critical in allowing the sight-feeding largemouth bass (the primary predator on bluegill) to keep bluegill from becoming too abundant. When water is too turbid, largemouth bass are not efficient predators and bluegill overpopulate. So remember when you are cleaning vegetation from your hooks that although it might be annoying at times it is also a vital part of the lake or pond ecosystem and a key component in producing large bluegill.
Most good bluegill lakes contain few other species. Competition with species such as gizzard shad and common carp can slow bluegill growth to the point where few reach desirable sizes.
Bluegill are relatively easy to catch, especially if you are using the proper tackle, bait, and technique. Following a few basic principles will greatly increase your success at catching bluegill.
Tackle selection (Principle #1 - the lighter the tackle the better)
Bluegill do not grow to huge sizes so select your rod and reel accordingly. An ultra-light rod and reel with light line will allow you to feel the bluegill's bite more effectively and you will catch more fish. In clear water, light line is less likely to be detected by fish. Line weights from 2 to 6lb test work best.
Bait and hooks (Principle #2 - keep it small)
[Image: bluegill_hook.jpg] Regardless of whether you prefer to use live bait or lures, you will need to keep them small if you want to catch a lot of bluegill. Hook sizes from #6 to #10 are most effective. Hooks with long shanks will allow you to more easily remove them from the bluegill's tiny mouth and thin wire hooks work best for holding small baits. Live bait works especially well for bluegill. The most common baits are worms and night crawlers because they are readily available and bluegill love'em. The key is to use only a piece of a worm - just enough to cover the hook (keeping it small - remember!). Other productive baits include crickets, grasshoppers, red wrigglers, and meal worms. Artificial lures also work well for bluegill. Some of the best lures are black jigs (1/32 ounce and smaller) and tiny spinners. Small flies and poppers are very effective and can be used while flyfishing or in conjunction with a bobber for easy casting (also see fly fishing).
Techniques (Principle #3 - whatever works for you)
Bluegill can be caught with a variety of techniques, all of which can be effective under the right conditions. The key is to use a technique which you are confident in and enjoy. If a bobber and worm is your thing - great! Fish it the right way and you won't be outfished. [ul] [li]Bobber fishing
The most popular technique for catching bluegill in spring and summer is the bobber and worm. This method is not only popular because it is easy, especially for kids, but because it works. Bluegill don't like to chase their food so a slow or almost motionless presentation is often best. A small bait hanging below a bobber is usually more than a bluegill can resist. Be sure to use a small bobber - just big enough to float your bait. If your bobber is too large, the bluegill will feel the resistance and spit out the bait. Setting your bobber from 1 to 3 feet deep will usually do the trick but if fish are deeper you will need to fish deeper. Slip bobbers are a must for the serious bluegill angler because they allow you to fish at any depth. [li]Bottom fishing
Another effective technique is to cast your bait and let it slowly sink to the bottom. Use as little weight as possible so that your bait sinks slowly and so bluegill don't feel resistance when they pick it up. Using an ultra-light rod and reel with light line will allow you to cast your bait with no weight at all. If your bait sinks slowly, bluegill will often bite as it is sinking. If your bait makes it to the bottom without a bite, watch your line closely for a sign that a bluegill has picked your bait off the bottom. If you don't get a bite in a few minutes, reel in and cast to a different spot. This technique is especially effective when bluegill are in deeper water in early spring or following a cold spell. [li]Drift fishing
A very effective method for catching bluegill, especially in late summer when bluegill are often suspended in open water, is to drift across the lake in a boat with baits down 10 to 15 feet. Because bluegill will likely be found in schools, repeatedly drift through those areas where you catch fish. [li][Image: stringer_gills.jpg] Flyfishing
Although you may think flyfishing is for trout, it is also one of the most effective, exciting ways to catch bluegill. Because small insects are a major part of the bluegill's diet, an artificial fly resembling these insects is usually irresistible. Bluegill are not as picky as some trout, so most fly patterns will work. The best flies are typically small and black. [/li][/ul]
Location (Principle #4 - fish where the bluegill are)
Using the proper tackle, bait, and technique is critical in catching bluegill but if you're not in the right spot you'll spend more time bird watching than reeling in bluegill. It is important to know where to find bluegill in a lake depending on the season. Because bluegill use different habitats at different times of the year, the best locations in spring probably won't be as good in late summer or winter. [ul] [li]Spring and early summer
Bluegill spawn in spring and early summer and this is a good time to catch them. When water temperatures exceed 70 degrees F begin looking for spawning bluegill in shallow water. The tell-tale "elephant tracks" will give away their location. Once a spawning colony is found, take care not to spook the bluegill as you are fishing. Cast beyond the nests and retrieve your bait through the colony. Male bluegill will guard nests against intruders and will aggressively take small lures. [li]Late summer
Bluegill can be readily caught after the spawning season, you just need to look in a different location. Although bluegill can be found in very shallow water in spring and early summer, they move into deeper water as summer progresses. In summer, bluegill can be found along the edges of weed beds, around brush piles, stake-beds, and flooded timber, especially if deeper water is nearby. Bluegill are commonly found in water over 10 feet deep in summer and typically locate just above the thermocline (the depth where water temperature changes dramatically and below which oxygen levels are usually low). Best fishing is usually in the morning and evening when the fish are most active. [li]Fall
In fall, bluegill are usually found in similar locations as late summer. As the water begins to cool in early fall, bluegill will often move into shallower water more often. Look for bluegill in the same locations as late summer and also fish shallower water near weed beds, brush, or other types of cover. While morning and evening are the best times to fish during summer, mid-day fishing success often improves as water cools in the fall. [li]Winter
In winter, bluegill are usually found in deeper water, usually 12 to 20 feet deep. They school near underwater structure, usually near the bottom. Bluegill do not feed as actively in winter so the use of small baits and slow presentations is of utmost importance. Using light tackle and line is also essential because bluegill bite very lightly in winter and these bites would go undetected with less sensitive tackle. [/li][/ul]
[Image: ice_drilling.jpg]ICE FISHING
Ice fishing in Missouri is usually restricted to the northern part of the state and varies in duration from year to year. When there is enough ice, the fishing can be outstanding and the bluegill is a favorite fish among winter anglers. When conditions are right, bluegill fishing can be fast and furious through the ice. Look for actively feeding bluegill near the bottom around weedbeds, brushpiles, and points in water 12 to 15 feet deep. It is helpful to note these locations during summer fishing trips. You can also use a portable depth finder when ice fishing to look for brushpiles and check depth. Fishing is usually best soon after the ice forms and slows as winter progresses and ice thickens. When fishing has slowed in mid to late winter, concentrate fishing effort during dawn and dusk hours. Fishing can be very slow during mid day but outstanding at dawn and dusk. Never judge the quality of ice fishing on a lake until you have fished the last half hour of daylight!
[Image: barb_icefish.jpg] Ice fishing requires some special gear. First, you need something to get through the ice. If the ice isn't too thick a spud bar will work. An ice auger works best in most situations though and will allow you to easily move to different locations until you find the right spot. A dipper is needed to clear the hole of ice chips after drilling and to keep the hole ice-free while fishing. A sled is very handy to haul around your gear and carry your fish. Ice fishing rods are short (often made from broken rod tips) and often with pegs instead of reels. Using a small bait and hook is especially important in winter because fish, including bluegill, are not aggressive and don't feed as much. Standard gear for bluegill includes small, brightly colored hooks (often called tear drops), a small bobber just large enough to suspend your bait, and live bait such as wax worms, meal worms, mousies, or goldenrod grubs. Set the bobber so your bait is within a foot of the bottom. Every 30 seconds or so twitch your lure a little - this will often induce a bite. You must watch your bobber closely because bluegill, like many fish, bite very lightly in winter.
If you are simply wanting to catch a lot of fish regardless of size, most lakes and ponds will provide ample bluegill action. If you want large bluegill, however, you will need to do a little homework. To locate the better public bluegill lakes contact a fisheries biologist at your local Missouri Department of Conservation office. They can tell you which lakes have been providing the best bluegill fishing and also provide you with some current conditions.
Don't overlook farm ponds! Some of the best bluegill fishing can be found in ponds and many of the biggest bluegill on record were caught in farm ponds. To find a good pond, talk with other anglers and pond owners to get some tips. Always ask permission to fish on private ponds.
In Missouri, bluegill are widespread, abundant, and easy to catch. Bluegill fishing is enjoyed by anglers of all ages and is a great way for family and friends to spend the day. If you're looking for some great fishing close to home give the bluegill a try. You will be rewarded with a lot of action, big Smiles, and some tasty eating

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Bluegill Fishing in Missouri - by daymere - 08-06-2004, 06:55 PM

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