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Wire setup for Flaming Gorge - Macs
Well I'm glad to hear we agree on that and let me say I completely understand what your saying too. Theres a lot of idiots that feel their particular needs out weigh the next guys. In this case its that old, "gotta beat to them to hot spot" mentality. Sadly to many folks are lead to believe the biggin's are only found in very select locations so they pounce on those areas like flies on,, you know.

Btw, up until this summer I was one of those old farts that sent far more time on the hard deck than soft water and because of the exact reason you mentioned. But this year after planting my butt in a float tube for the first time in 25 years I found I again enjoyed the Summer months on the water. Whats more, I have not one but two boats and must admit I try and stand in only one at a time, so far so good.

But seriously, whether its the guy with the downrigger or the guy pulling steel or merely the long liners, all should follow the simple rules of the road, or in this case the water, and use their darn turning signals and brake lights!! [Wink]

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Re: [clipripper] Wire setup for Flaming Gorge - Macs - by Coldfooter - 08-11-2004, 11:27 PM

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