08-22-2004, 06:46 PM
Fished willard today with flyfishingmoose and uncleray launched my boat out of the north marina at 8am went out halfway yo the light pole and wind really got bad and waves came up turned the boat around and headed back to the marina, ffm and uncleray fished the marina for cats till the wind died down, uncleray got a couple of bites, wind died down alittle so we went back out and tried it again and the wind came up again so we ancored just outside the north marina and threw out for cats, ffm caught a 13 in cat just sittin there. sat there for awhile and enjoyed some salsa. went out and tried to troll again and turned back around and headed back, ran up on a gravel bar and after that the gas engine wouldnt stay running so we went back in on the electric, gave ffm directions to the sw corner so he could fish some more and i left, was a slow day fishing and the weather didnt coperate but at least the salsa was good.