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The Ultimate 16 Species Fishing Contest 2004
Thanks glad I could turn the heat up a little now I'm just waiting for the fall and winter salt waterspecies to start showing up they don't get as big as those fish but they will add points unless I manage a nice big slab Blackfish[Tautog] they are good eating too known as poor mans lobster that shark I caught was one hell of a fight even after we gaffed him but the King mackeral fought longer he didn't give up to easy made 7 runs almost spooled me one run as soon as the gaff went in the water he would take off good thing I had him hooked in the jaw bone with a circle hook

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Re: [davetclown] The Ultimate 16 Species Fishing Contest 2004 - by Hutch00 - 08-24-2004, 11:37 PM

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