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Getting In Some Fishing After Hurricane Frances
Derrick, the answer to the question is two fold. First, what type of sea condtions are you willing to fish in? Second, does your captain feel that the conditions are safe. It should be a mutual agreement between you and your captain. Conditions can change quickly and what looks bad today turns out to be great tomorrow. The forecast as of today (9/14) calls for SW/W winds @ 5- 10 knots on Saturday. If this holds true, then the seas will be quite calm. I usually don't look much more than a day in advance as to predicted sea conditions. Also, there is another Tropical Depression by the name of Jeanne that needs to be watched. By Friday evening or early Saturday we should have a very good idea of what the wind and sea conditions will be. I would wait till then before making a decision. Hope it works out for you and GOOD LUCK fishing.

Captain Dave Kostyo

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