09-08-2002, 09:16 PM
Heres my opinion. First of all, if you are worried about breaking line, beef it up. Most guys I run into are using fireline. I use it, tackle is the only thing between you and the fish, if you arent using stuff that can handle the job, why bother? Fireline is disliked because of its non clear properties. Willard is so dirty, and when trolling, is so difficult to see, it really is not a problem. If you go mono, get a streachy soft line with good knot strength. Either way, use a large enough test to handle the job. Next, is the issue of drag. There is no question that baitcasters - trolling reels have far superior drag systems. If you are loosing fish due to the choppy tings of a spinning reel drag, I would recomend going to a smoother more acurate baitcaster drag. Next and probably the very most important is hook sharpness. if you can touch it and it doesnt penetrate the skin, its not sharp enough. Lots of lures come with junk hooks and straight out of the box, or after just one or two fish, the hooks are dull enough they require some effort to get them into you. Same with the fish. Also, if you are still trolling while reeling in the fish, you are probably bending hooks and split rings as well as snapping line. I always try to stop the boat to fight fish, unless the wind and waves prevent it due to a mass of tangles. But if you do stop the boat, make sure you pick up the rod and are reeling to keep the tension on before shutting off the engine. Also, I would take a good look at the rod you are using. if it is being maxed out and there is no bend left in it, you are going full drag and line stretch. If this is the case, either get a different rod, or use line with more give and make sure you stop the boat to catch fish, this will allow for the rod to relax. My guess would be that you just arent getting a good enough hook set. Due to two things, 1) the rod you are using doesnt have the power to rip the lure through the grip of the fishes mouth, thus the hooks never get drug through the fishes lips. 2) your hooks are dull and not penetrating the skin. In bolth cases, when the fish decides he doesnt want the lure anymore and opens his mouth to spit it, the lure just pops out. No way to know for sure, just my guess.