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[cool] Are there any avid bow and gun whitetail hunters from WI out there? Well, if you are from WI and have already hunted this year, I have a question for you. With all of this talk about the chronic wasting disease flooding our media and making all of us wonder about the quality of our harvests this year, I wonder if any of you have had any problems with your meat this year or not. Have you heard of any ways to tell if your deer has this disease or not?? What about butchering, I heard that most butchers use the same blade to cut the spine (where the glands are stored that the disease affects) and then use that same blade to butcher the rest of the deer? I have not had any problems in the past with any venison, but all of this hype is really getting me to think. Should I be worried, or not?? HELP!!!!!!


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WI CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE? - by wolfman - 09-14-2002, 08:38 PM

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