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walking on Scofiled today Report
hey out4trout there should be 4 to 6 inches on there by the weekend.. with a high of 19 yesterday and a low well below 0 to night i sure it's going to have thick enuf ice for the moob of pepole that is going to be there this weekend.. it went from open water to frozen 2" solid in 1 night.. so it's probiley 3 to 4 inches this morning..

we did see one other guy out there but he did not have the brass to hang with the big boys.. i dont think he got out more the 20 feet off shour.

dude on fish?

Messages In This Thread
walking on Scofiled today Report - by fuzzyfisher - 11-30-2004, 01:51 AM
Re: [Out4Trout] walking on Scofiled today Report - by fuzzyfisher - 11-30-2004, 12:55 PM

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