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[size 3][Image: Earthworm.gif] Sounds like to me that the teacher sill got paid for passing on the virus. (Closed settlement paid to the teacher for wrongful or pre-termination of contract) Now she/he is off to do damage elsewhere. And she is getting paid double for her efforts.[/size]

[size 3][Image: Earthworm.gif] As parents you should have been seeking monetary and legal damages against the teacher for reeducating the students individually. The school new this and that was why she was terminated from the district. Unfortunately her teaching credentials are still intact and now she can spread more damage down the road.[/size]

[size 3][Image: Earthworm.gif] Had you sewed for monetary damages (for re-educating your child) against the teacher you could have taken her severance package. And had you sewed legal actions (criminal brainwashing) against the teacher you could have had her teaching credentials revoked in the state of California. [/size]

[size 3][Image: Earthworm.gif] Unfortunately the schools lawyers would not disclose this information to you. They like all business are looking out for their best interest, not so much the kids.[/size]

[size 3][Image: Earthworm.gif] Little known fact for any one who reads these articles; [/size]

[size 3][Image: Earthworm.gif] Teachers are required to provide an out line of their course and materials to be covered prior to the beginning of each school year. In simple plain words the school knew about the teachers actions prior to the event, and that was why the teacher was able to get a monetary settlement out of court. Otherwise the school would have never settled. [(The school board duped you) through (plausible deniability)] [/size]

[size 3][Image: Earthworm.gif] I agree with your statement that all parents take part in their children’s education. This means before the schools ever open the doors of the new school year.[/size]

[size 3]Which means taking time to meet with the teachers and principle and the administration to discuss issues like,[/size]

[size 3]-[/size] [size 3]What is the curriculum going to cover for the year?[/size]

[size 3] [/size]

[size 3]-[/size] [size 3]Get a copy of the course to be studied so that you can at a moments notice know how the progress of the planned course is going and know what your children’s level of accomplishment is, instead of waiting till teacher/parent conference day (or worse yet the report card comes out) to put out now what can be explained as uncontrollable fires. ([#ff0000]That is provided you don’t want to gamble on your child’s life and education[/#ff0000]). Most importantly know what is on the planned study so that it does not come as a tragedy later on down the line, as what was mentioned above in the prior post. [/size]

[size 3] [/size]

[size 3]-[/size] [size 3]Find out just what type of security will be put in place and enforced for your Childs safety whether it is in the school or out. (Remember that any time you put your child into a foreign environment you are taking chances that they will not be coming home in one piece.) Remember that even your child can become a social deviant when placed under improper pressures of other children and an administration that is stifling towards a child’s creative and ambitious pursuits of education and recreation. [/size]

[size 3] [/size]

[size 3]-[/size] [size 3]Make sure that each school will have in the possession of qualified sociologists ([#ff0000]meaning qualified chancellors and councilors – not a one fits all referendum[/#ff0000]) [/size]

[size 3] [/size]

[size 3]Remember[/size]

[size 3]-[/size] [size 3]If you take an interest in what your child is doing your child will take interest in you and will want to achieve more. [/size]

[size 3] [/size]

[size 3]-[/size] [size 3]Don’t be worried about not knowing or understanding what your child is studding, become his/her study partner and you will learn together. [/size]

[size 3] [/size]

[size 3]-[/size] [size 3]School can be far more festinating the second time around. (Through the eyes of your child)[/size]

[size 3] [/size][#ff0000][size 4](Or is two hours a day too much time to spend on your kids education health and well being)[/size][/#ff0000]

Messages In This Thread
ZERO TOLERANCE OR GUN CONTROL - by twoindyhicks - 05-15-2002, 05:38 PM
Re: [johnincolorado] ZERO TOLERANCE OR GUN CONTROL - by davetclown - 09-28-2002, 03:31 PM
Re: [twoindyhicks] ZERO TOLERANCE OR GUN CONTROL - by Ghost - 09-30-2002, 11:47 PM

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