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Ya sank that 16-penny nail to the head in one blow of the hammer.

There never was a truer word spoken.

Punishing a child for what he sees on TV and then playing in school, what a joke on the human race. You may as well take all competitive sports out of the school that includes tennis golf football and every thing else including the chess teams.

What most people don’t know about this punishment is, that it goes on the child’s permanent record that will follow him for the rest of his entire life.

If any one ever tells you that the child’s record will be expunged when they turn 18, they do not know what they are talking about. There has been an extensive study and physiological profiling and testing since the late 1950’s in all parochial schools. Weather you know it or not your name is on a file in a computer bank with scenarios as to what type of person that you may become. Any and all reports about you from your teachers all your test scores all your interest all your extra curriculums school activities stay in your profile for life.

When they say that a child’s record will be expunged at the age 18 is if he goes out and to the mall and pockets some item off the shelf and is caught and prosecuted, well then yes that record will be expunged at the age of 18. this is a criminal offence and not a social offence.

These children will always now and forever be considered social deviates.

Ya are probably wandering what this has to do with your post; well you are correct about going after the real deviates. The ones responsible for the child pocketing a can of tuna or a candy bar, people like those at Enron and other corporations who steal right from those who put faith in them to provide for their futures by investing in their corporations, working in their sweatshops planning on their 401k investments. These people have ruined the lives of many of those faithful constituents who gave literally their sweat blood and the major portion of their lives to support corporations all the way down to the small mom and popshops. Needless to say these are the real PETA people, the ones supporting anti gun lobbing anti hunting anti fishing anti environmental laws, for their own selfish gains. Of course they want guns off the streets, they are scared that some one is going to hunt them down and shoot them, and rightfully so should they have that fear. They are guilty and the laws will not prosecute them. They bankrupt and sent people in to poverty for the remainder of their lives yet they get to stay millionaires and spent 15 twenty years in a luxury prison for the rich and famous then get to come out and live the rest of their lives in luxury while the people they stole from suffer through povrish conditions not knowing weather or not that they are going to meet the monthly bills.

Don’t get me wrong I am not against rich people, I too would one day soon like to be rich but not by breaking the backs of those who I depend on to do my bidding (stealing their benefits so promised them by engaging their employment), or by exploiting the environment to save a dollar by dumping toxins in to the environment.

They should send a message to our youth I agree, but send them the right message one that says that corporations no matter how big or how small can get away with this type of activities will lead to a life time of punishment with no parole possible. Prove not show that out population is going to be protected for life not persecute for life because they choose to live a live within the laws provided to benefit our society.

Punish a child who points his finger and says bang-bang in a game, yet allow those who pressure and bully and cohorts other children to do their bidding in school is nothing short of insanity, and this being the rule and not the exception is the reasons we have incidents like those in out schools and in the national seen with tyrants like Saddom in Iran and those like that of the terrorist of Afghanistan and Lebanon.

So yes Mike I fully agree that these kinds of deviants must held accountable for their actions. Prove that the laws are going to be protect us form these kinds of people and their policies and not protected by laws.

I remember as a child playing games in school like the politically incorrect cowboys and Indians, army and far worse games like red rover and London Bridge is falling down. Millions upon millions of children plaid those games in school as children and if this was going to cause children or adults later in life for that mater to take up arms against one another, well you could bet that there would be no such things as terrorist or Sadams or PETA environmental terrorist.

so lets get it real there are far worse things going on in that school than children pointing their fingers at each other. [center]So how about sum Zero Tollarance of Ignorance


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ZERO TOLERANCE OR GUN CONTROL - by twoindyhicks - 05-15-2002, 05:38 PM
Re: [theangler] ZERO TOLERANCE OR GUN CONTROL - by davetclown - 09-28-2002, 11:23 PM
Re: [twoindyhicks] ZERO TOLERANCE OR GUN CONTROL - by Ghost - 09-30-2002, 11:47 PM

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