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What new ice-fishing toys will you get?
[size 1]I am moving to tenn yet I picked up a new ice rod and reel. and boy is it a dandy. and pritty as roger rabbits sweetie...
[/size] [ul] [li]the reel is INTRIGUE ultra light. not as nice as shakapere but it came with the rod. it is 2 barings and is 5.2-1. comes with thermal lube. Line capasidy 4lb-100 yrd 6lb 60yrd. [li]The rod "Slick Ice" costum series is a 26 inch light also jet black in color to match the reel. [/li][/ul]
what set this combo in my want list is that the rod comes out of the handle then makes a 45* angle twards the spool then makes another 45* angle parillel to the handle.

I did get to use it two days ant the rod behaved just the way I imagined it would. "Like a charm"

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Re: [DrownedDesertRat] What new ice-fishing toys will you get? - by davetclown - 01-04-2005, 06:03 AM

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