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Aloha Peter…
<br><br>In one of the recent fishing magazines they had a pretty interesting article on fishing rite close to the City. Something about catching Stripers right in front of the Statue of Liberty…`said pretty good fishing too.<br><br>They mentioned a few guides & I would imagine there are many available.<br>Big Fish has a guides listing with some NYC guides or many sites also have them listed.<br><br>If you have time, I recommend walking the docks & asking around & Talking with the guys on the local boats.<br>Even the non-charter boat guys might have a good `inside tip on the good boats there.<br><br>I would have to think ALL fish in those waters would be C&R… I know I wouldn’t be eat`n them…[shocked]<br><br>There saying the Stripe Bass are making a great comeback with some of the new regs out…?<br><br>Also, many charter boats are only licienced for 6 passengers so if ya have more wanting to go, make sure ya check first.<br><br><i>BTW…is it YOUR bachelor party..?</i><br><br>[cool] <b><font color=red><b>GooD LUCK & ALOHA</b></font color=red> [Smile]<br><br>Dan<br>Stand Up!!!<br> <br><br><br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"> Stand Up Fish`N Charters Kauai Hawai </A> <br><br>[Wink]<br>

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