01-19-2005, 04:03 PM
I lernt me a lesson too, dont leave them in your winter coat pocket. they will hatch there too in adition to the fact they cant get out they will draw other moths in from a 10 mile radius.
so if you dont want to be a holey roller come next ice season [pirate] remember to take them things out, give them to the fish on your last day at your hole as a gesture of good faith for next ice season[cool]
I lernt me a lesson too, dont leave them in your winter coat pocket. they will hatch there too in adition to the fact they cant get out they will draw other moths in from a 10 mile radius.
so if you dont want to be a holey roller come next ice season [pirate] remember to take them things out, give them to the fish on your last day at your hole as a gesture of good faith for next ice season[cool]