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Curried Kangaroo Tail
1 Tail
2 oz Butter
1 tb Flour
1 tb Curry powder
2 Onions, sliced
1 Sour apple cut into dice
1 tb Lemon juice
3/4 pt Stock

Method: Wash, blanch and dry the tail thoroughly, and divide it at the joints. Fry the tail lightly in hot butter, take it up, put in the sliced onions, and fry them for a few minutes without browning. Sprinkle in the flour and curry-powder, and cook gently for at least 20 minutes, stirring frequently. Add the stock, bring to the boil, stirring meanwhile, and replace the tail in the stewpan. Cover closely, and cook gently until tender, then add the lemon-juice and more seasoning if necessary. Arrange the pieces of tail on a hot dish, strain the sauce over, and serve with boiled rice.

Time: from 2 to 3 hours.

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