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U.S. Loses Ruling on Gray Wolves
The ESA needs to be repealed or modified. Bruce Babbit, former environmentalist extremist secretary of the interior under William Jefferson Klinton, laughed at people who wanted to repeal the ESA, saying "don't try, the public is too much in favor of it."
He is right when he says the public is in favor of it, almost 80%. However the public is not educated on the matter and doesn't know that the ESA has recovered exactly 0 species. Only four or five have even been downlisted.
The ESA as currently practiced is wrong because it is too heavy handed, and allows the USFWS to "mandate" actions, no matter what the public says. So species that the public doesn't want recovered, such as the Colorado River Trash Fish, because they threaten our way of life, and other species that are not even really genetically discernable from other very common ones.
People lose land without compensation, and there is little recourse or due process to those the ESA harms. Most of the "science" used in the ESA is biased and twisted to fit the USFWS and other radical agendas of environmental groups.
So what is the solution? I think it's more obtainable than most people think. The ESA can either be repealed or amended by simply educating the public to the cold hard facts that is has never recovered a single species. Educate the public that all it does is take land, rape rivers, kill sport fish, and other draconian measures in "critical habitat" areas.
Once the public is aware of this, pressure for congressional members to either vote for the repeal or the modification of the ESA, or be recalled from office, that will end this.
No more sitting around and saying it can't be done. No more saying it's the government and they can do what they want. Above all else, no more sitting. ACTION is needed. Educate the public that the ESA is mostly a complete and abmismal failure. Rally the public. That is the key to ending the most tyrannical law since the alien and sedition acts.


Messages In This Thread
U.S. Loses Ruling on Gray Wolves - by southernman - 02-02-2005, 01:01 AM
Re: [southernman] U.S. Loses Ruling on Gray Wolves - by Icedaddy22 - 02-14-2005, 01:44 AM

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