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Where is everybody fishing on the big weekend?
Windriver & Fight4not,

As with all forums there seems to be a lot of readers and then you have a core group that does most of the posting. That is what I am experiencing on my new forum site also. Lets hope that more of us get into the sharing of information aspect. That way we all benefit from each other. We will always learn more from each other by sharing our first hand experiences than by spending all winter reading the latest books by authors who want to sell books.

By the way, I am going to be on Ririe in the morning also. The Fish & Game activity starts at 10:00 A.M. and lasts until 2:00 P.M. Might be a party! Anyway appreciate it if you all would consider posting (reading ha!) on my forums also.

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Re: [Fight4not] Where is everybody fishing on the big weekend? - by OldJigHead - 02-19-2005, 04:31 AM

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