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Fall Walleyes
[size 3]I just fell in love with this article from the In-Fisherman magazine and figured I would post up some of my favorite parts. Maybee it will give some of us walleye anglers a bit of new perspective. Fall migrations seem to be triggered by 1 day length, 2 water temp, 3 water level, 4 forage movements. Gizzard shad spawn in the spring, but begin moving in fall. The shad move toward shore as the water cools, best fishing always occurs when the shad come in thick. Cold snaps really get the fish chewing in fall, while warm stable turns them off-opposite of summer. The cold snap triggers the walleyes need to develop fat for winter survival. As fall progresses, lakes gradually go oxegen deficient, this causes baitfish to move in to rivers, the walleye follow. The deeper the water level in the inlet, the more consistent the walleye run will be. The walleye will stay in these spawning locations all winter and into the spring when the walleye spawn takes place. Everything about fall walleye fishing screams crankbaits. October is peak time, depending on weather. Crankbaits are key because the fish are feeding on minnows. Peak fishing should be when the water temp drops below 50 degrees. Ive tried all kinds of crankbaits, but minnow baits rule. says Hook. Areas where walleyes are most active seems to be less than six feet deep. As the water cools below 30 degrees, the fish move into the deeper holes. Dont expect a lot of big fish to show up early in low water years. [/size]

[size 3]Like I say, this is not in any way my own information. I dont even fish in the fall. I just found the article to be very informative. And I had a difficult time picking out what to put in the post. The article is five pages long, so clearly I didnt do it justice here. Man, I love the In-Fisherman![/size]

Messages In This Thread
Fall Walleyes - by PREDATOR - 10-18-2002, 06:51 PM
Re: [PREDATOR] Fall Walleyes - by wiperhunter2 - 10-19-2002, 03:10 PM
Re: [wiperhunter2] Fall Walleyes - by Teroy - 10-19-2002, 03:48 PM
Re: [Teroy] Fall Walleyes - by wiperhunter2 - 10-20-2002, 06:03 AM
Re: [PREDATOR] Fall Walleyes - by TubeDude - 10-19-2002, 11:04 PM
Re: [TubeDude] Fall Walleyes - by PREDATOR - 10-20-2002, 06:28 PM
Re: [PREDATOR] Fall Walleyes - by TubeDude - 10-20-2002, 07:39 PM

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