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How much would it cost to make your very own rod.
[cool][#0000ff]I'm sure you are looking for real info here, and not just off the wall remarks. The general statement is that a USEABLE rod will run from a low end of about $35 to as much as $200 or more. The major difference is in the blank you buy, and the quality of the reel seat, handle components and guides.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If price is the considertion, you can get a decent blank from Cabelas for $20 to $30. If you want Loomis, you will need to spend about $60 on a blank. Similarly, you can get a complete set of guides from Janns, for under $10...or you can pay $4 to $7 apiece for each of the guides and tip top for a fancier stick. Cork is more expensive than foam, but is preferred by most seasoned anglers.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Those who end up building their own rods seldom do so just to save money. You can buy some pretty good complete rods at Wally World or other volume outlets for under $30 dollars. You can buy JUNK for even less. But, to buy a quality rod, that you could make for under $100 (Loomis blank), you would have to pay up to $200 at a quality tackletorium. So, you CAN save a few dollars on the high end stuff, but not if you wanna just go cheap.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The biggest reason I make my own rods is to get exactly the combination of length, strength, action and guide placement I want. That says it all. I am apalled at some of the shoddy workmanship on even some of the higher priced rods on the market. They are either machine wrapped or contracted out to cheap labor. The alignment and placement of guides is often totally wrong for the action of the rod.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you are artistic, making your own rods also allows you to decorate them with fancy wraps and woven patterns. That is advanced stuff, but it doesn't take long to be able to do some nice work, if you get the hang of working with the threads.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Shoot me a PM if you get serious and need some help in choosing a blank and components. I just helped another old time BFTer to build 2 new ice rods and two 6' baitcast rods (Med action) for about the same thing you are looking for. Total component cost, for all 4 rods...between Cabelas and Janns (including shipping)...was just under $120. He elected foam handles, so you would have to add a few dollars for cork.[/#0000ff]

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Re: [fish4fish] How much would it cost to make your very own rod. - by TubeDude - 02-23-2005, 05:16 PM

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