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Mule Deer opener
[size 3]Northern Utah public land mule deer hunting is known to be quite a mess of people and confusion. But, there are still a few places where a guy can get into the high country and find himself a few deer without the hassle of crowds. I know, I was there. A long hike up a steep mountain side in the middle of the night found rainbow sparkle and my self at the snow level. Binoculars, spotting scope, and two cold men who were jittery with anticipation of what was to come watched deer funnel up a hill. One buck at the back, but he wasnt a shooter, at least not at this elevation. Over the edge of the ridge, more deer. We could see small dots of orange down below, hunters who had chosen not to climb to the tops of the mountain. More deer, but again, no shooter bucks. We were alone on the mountain, so with no one to push deer to us, we headed out to find the big boys on our own. Just before the sun came up and hit the hill side we had another buck in sight. Not a shooter. more deer, does, running around. The big bucks from earlier in the year had moved location and we couldnt relocate them. We spent the day on a cliff, saw a few more deer, then as it was getting dark, on the other side of the mountain, I spotted a decent buck. But by the time I got in range and position it was too dark. We came off the hill in the dark, without any deer. But we know they are there. With the severe lack of hunters, the big bucks from earlier will be around for next year if we dont find them this one. I went back out in the low country this morning and it was typical northern utah, lots of hunters, no deer. I have a couple days off, so hopefully I will be able to find a big one and put him down. Then its back to duck hunting. [/size]

Messages In This Thread
Mule Deer opener - by PREDATOR - 10-20-2002, 06:48 PM
Re: [PREDATOR] Mule Deer opener - by theangler - 10-20-2002, 09:48 PM
Re: [PREDATOR] Mule Deer opener - by Ghost - 10-23-2002, 02:09 AM
Re: [Ghost] Mule Deer opener - by davetclown - 10-23-2002, 03:01 AM
Re: [davetclown] Mule Deer opener - by Ghost - 10-23-2002, 04:05 PM
Re: [PREDATOR] Mule Deer opener - by PREDATOR - 10-27-2002, 04:31 PM
Re: [PREDATOR] Mule Deer opener - by Ghost - 10-29-2002, 03:55 PM

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