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Henry's Lake Spawning
[size 1]Last night I went up to Henrys Lake to get some pix of the spawning trout. The water quality is very good and the fish are coming into the spawn house without showing stress from low water quality. Right now there have been 1500 this first week of the run and they are appearing to be on a regular bases. The hybrids coming into the spawn house are very large with several in the 8 to 10 pound range. These are males as the sterile females do not come into the hatchery. It was amazing to see the huge trout fight to get into the race-way.

More about this later - here are some pix of two of the huge male hybrids that were in the hatchery. [/size]

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Henry's Lake Spawning - by bsflies - 03-03-2005, 08:18 PM

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