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A couple of my biggest catches this ice season

I found the fish...

I am jellous, I have yet to pull a fish up through a hole in the ice any thing like those. to tell the truth, I have yet to cut a hole big enuff to pull a fish up through a hole in the ice like that....

but thanks for reminding me, I found a hole last summer that holds fish like that and forgot to fish it this winter... I could have landed me one of them monsters too, that is if I could find something to cut a hole big enuff...

congrats, you would have had us wooped for sure...

remember next year you are allowed 7 fish, your best fish of seven species. and you can take two pics. I have had to lay down on the ice to take a few pics of fish my self just to get in the ice, me, logo, tape and fish. and then take a sepreate pic of the fish logo and tape to get a good measurment shot..

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Re: [Coldfooter] A couple of my biggest catches this ice season - by davetclown - 03-22-2005, 02:29 PM

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