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good morning ya'll !
that is to close for comfort.

I came in from that direction when I came up your way last year. that used to be some beutiful country

I would have a hard time sleapin with those tinder boxes hanging over my roof. besides they do tend to rot out a roof fast by blockin the air flow.

I dont need to tell you to climb as high up the tree as you can to tie off your wench rope. notch it one third on the side you want it to fall in snug up the wench good then cut from behind about a foot higer than your notch cutting twards the top of the first notch. ONLY CUT 1/3 OF THE WAY THROUGH FROM THE BACK SIDE THEN DO THE REST WITH THE WENCH.

be sure your rope is at least twice the lenth as your tree is tall three times is better and is rated for 2 tons.

ya know a 1200 pound boat wench tied to a tree across the way would work a lot better than a come along. the trick is to keep constant preasure on the tree. you dont need 10 tons of preasure at the top of the tree. 500 pounds of pull at the top of the tree is like a 70 mile an hour wind.

This is realy a two man job, to bad you didnt have the urge to do it when I was up there last year, I used to be a pretty fair rope man. You should have seen some of the masive oaks me and my hunting bud roped out. branches weighted over a ton apeice reaching out 50 feet from the base of the tree over houses and across other neighbors lots.

it seemed like we always got the hard jobs. the ones where you could not get a hoist or bucket to.

I am sure you have done this before and if you have to do it alone be sure you at least have some one who can watch over you and can run and make a phone call just incase.....

I certainly respect the level of difficulty you are facing.....

Messages In This Thread
good morning ya'll ! - by lonehunter - 04-17-2005, 11:24 AM
Re: [lonehunter] good morning ya'll ! - by callie - 04-18-2005, 12:51 PM
Re: [callie] good morning ya'll ! - by davetclown - 04-18-2005, 02:32 PM
Re: [lonehunter] good morning ya'll ! - by davetclown - 04-19-2005, 04:00 AM
Re: [callie] good morning ya'll ! - by lonehunter - 04-19-2005, 02:14 AM

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