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weber river
Hey guys Xman is right, we need to do something and emails alone wont do it. As a retired govt empolyee, emails have a way of just getting saved and not read. And we should take action, it is our heritage that is in jepordy.

I say send your congressman and senetor a paper letter. Hard copies get read because they have to be filed and are not easily obtained once filed. As far as who is responsible I bet theres enough blame to go around. But the people who control the flow has a resonsibility to maintain the health of our eco system. It can't be that hard to find out who they are. I will call DWR in the morning and ask. I'll post where to send your letters. This really is important the places we can fish is getting smaller and smaller. I slipped away today to get some stream time on the Beaver Creek. This is where I learned to trout fish, there was not more than a 1/4 mile stretch that I could fish. The rest is either posted or non fishable. I really don't mind the postings, its the owners right. And I have found that just asking those same owners will get you fishing more often than not. The rest was just not fishable, fences across the water, stone patchs w/hand railes. The Creek has changed a bit. The Weber is a public access river and it must be maintained as one. I have a creek by the house that the kids tube in the summer. When i cant get away I can walk over there and always catch something. But they cut the flow to it and now it is dry again. Happens more often that you might think.

So lets all get behind the Weber issue. Lets find innovative ways to shake this tree. Maybe we can get the Media interested. Heck of a story for Doug Miller Outdoors. Just a thought. X if there is something you need help with email me. I'll do what ever I can.

Messages In This Thread
weber river - by Xman - 11-19-2002, 12:29 AM
Re: [Xman] weber river - by PREDATOR - 11-19-2002, 02:31 AM
Re: [PREDATOR] weber river - by Xman - 11-19-2002, 02:42 AM
Re: [Xman] weber river - by boatless - 11-19-2002, 03:24 AM
Re: [boatless] weber river - by Hellsangler69 - 11-19-2002, 03:57 AM
Re: [PREDATOR] weber river - by road - 11-19-2002, 06:39 AM
Re: [road] weber river - by Xman - 11-19-2002, 07:45 AM
Re: [Xman] weber river - by davetclown - 11-21-2002, 06:35 PM
Re: [Xman] weber river - by BearLakeMack - 11-19-2002, 04:34 AM
Re: [Xman] weber river - by tightline - 11-26-2002, 12:08 AM

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