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Carp Punishing at its finest.
[#505000]07-04-05 Fishluver, Rvanman2000, and I hit the shores of Lincoln Beach, after a less than stellar morning of fishing Fishluvr and I grabbed our bows, some cheap P.O.S. aluminum arrows, and went in search of Carp.[/#505000]
[#505000]We located a flooded field east of the lake and went to work. Two hours later we slogged out of the field with between 60-70 carp left for dead, a few blisters, bruises, wet clothing, and big cheesy grins on our faces. [/#505000]
[#505000]Anything we can do to help the poor June Sucker. A fine day of carp punishing is very rewarding.[/#505000]

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Carp Punishing at its finest. - by Carp_Punisher - 07-05-2005, 05:32 PM

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