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Carp Punishing at its finest.
It was good helping Gary finally earn his title of Carp Punisher. I was hesitant that he would shoot me with his bow but after his first couple of shots and a little instruction he was hitting everything, (except carp). I gave him a release and an arm guard and just assumed he knew how to use the arm guard. Boy was I wrong. You should see the bruises he has on his left arm that he got from string slap. Once he finally learned where to put the arm guard and I talked him into only drawing the bow about half way the arm slap drama went away.

It was definitely a good time with some fun shots and funny moments. One carp gary shot through the side of the head didn't like being shot and tried to swim away. Of course we couldn't be having that so Gary shot him again, this time in the tail. I have never seen a fish try to swim before with an arrow at both ends of it. There weren't as many carp in the field as last time I went but definitely enough to have a good time.

Carp Punisher, Punish on.

Messages In This Thread
Carp Punishing at its finest. - by Carp_Punisher - 07-05-2005, 05:32 PM
Re: [Carp_Punisher] Carp Punishing at its finest. - by fishluvr - 07-05-2005, 08:07 PM

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