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Carp Punishing at its finest.
Hey Gary,

I am with you on the need to deal with the carp overpopulation issue. I just wanted to bring that up in case you had not seen it. I think most DWR officers would not have much of a problem with it, however, there are those that might(as a law enforcement officer, you would know this), and the proclamation does not differentiate as to what water it is, where it is found, or the type of environment it is, or if it is on private property.

BTW - I would like to get a bow for hunting carp - would you have any recommendations as to the minimum draw weight needed ? How about the difference between recurves and compounds ? Are aluminum arrows the better choice ? And do you just use field tips rather than fish or broadheads ?

Messages In This Thread
Carp Punishing at its finest. - by Carp_Punisher - 07-05-2005, 05:32 PM
Re: [Carp_Punisher] Carp Punishing at its finest. - by Fishhound - 07-07-2005, 02:43 PM

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