08-10-2005, 05:04 AM
[center]This one was a tough one to call, only two people entered a fish for the month of July. tubeN2 and davetclown (me) so I grabbed my two headed coin and called it in the air heads I win and tails you loose. [/center] [center](wouldnt ya know it, the coin landed on its side)[/center] [center] [/center] [center][url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?username=tubeN2;"][size 2][#000000]tubeN2[size 1] [/size][/#000000][/size][/url][/center] [center]
[/center] [center] [/center] [center]Wins[/center] [center]Red Bigfishtackle[/center] [center][/center] [center]with his entry of a Swell Shark[/center] [center]for the month of July[/center] [center] [/center] [center][/center] [center]get your entries in for the month of June if you want to get in the running, size doesn't matter[/center]