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68th MET Fishing Tournament Starts December 14, 2002
[font "Arial"][size 2]Knot Nancy is presently at Bob Hewes Boats being outfitted with a new pair of Yamaha 200 HP HPDI engines. I expect to be back on the water by Monday, December 16th at the latest. I'd like to take this time to let everyone know that the annual Metropolitan South Florida Fishing Tournament (MET) will be kicking off this Saturday, December 14th and runs through May 11, 2003. It is the oldest and largest free major public fishing tournament in the world and it is right here in our own backyard. The MET is open to everyone (resident and non resident). There is no entry fee and everyone who catches and enters one (that's right, just one) of the 37 different eligible species of fish will receive a beautiful 8 X 10 certificate suitable for framing. Entry is as simple as filling out a release or weigh form and mailing it to the MET. For the more competitive angler, there are numerous trophies and plaques to be won. So, you're out there fishing anyway, or you're here on business or vacation, just ask your Captain about entering your catch or stop by one of the numerous MET Weigh Stations and fill out and mail in the form.[/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2][/size][/font] [font "Tahoma"]68 YEARS and still growing![/font] [font "Tahoma"][/font] [font "Tahoma"]We at the Fishing and Conservation Trust, Inc. DEDICATE "The 68th Annual Metropolitan South Florida Fishing Tournament" to our Sponsors, Captains, Anglers, Members, WeighMasters and all of our SUPER Volunteers! These individuals and companies have supported us through the good times and the bad; your dedication and endless efforts do not go unnoticed. We are still the biggest, the best, and FREE to anyone who can catch a fish![/font] [font "Tahoma"][/font] [font "Tahoma"]We invite you and your families to join us for another fun filled year on the Flats, Offshore, or Inshore for Catch, Release, Conservation, Education, and Memories that will last a lifetime![/font] [font "Tahoma"][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2]The tarpon are beginning to show up, there are sailfish to be caught, and a lot of other species too. Call or email me to book your trip and lets enter some fish in the MET!![/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2][/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2]For all you last minute Holiday Shoppers, remember that Gift Certificates for fishing trips are available. It is a gift that will be remembered for a long time. Once again, call or email for details.[/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2][/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2]Captain Dave Kostyo[/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2]Knot Nancy Fishing Charters[/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2]305 620-5896 Charter[/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2]305 732-2628 Beeper[/size][/font] [font "Arial"][#800080][size 2][url ""][/url][/size][/#800080][/font] [font "Arial"][#0000ff][size 2][url ""][/url][/size][/#0000ff][/font]

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68th MET Fishing Tournament Starts December 14, 2002 - by KnotNancy - 12-13-2002, 01:51 AM

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