09-25-2005, 03:51 AM
I was canoeing on on pond a month ago and found two frog poppers. One is a Hula Popper and the other is a soft plastic (unknown name). The pond's shoreline was choked of tall grass and the lake was pretty much choked with weeds. I only caught one bass on a topwater popping plug. My son and my buddy just snag on the weeds all day! It was kinda windy and was hard to control the canoe with the winds. I was the only one who knows how to control the canoe and fish with the winds but those two didn't get the idea yet, I had to back paddle to get their lure lose. On every fishing trip I keep an eye on the shoreline for anything like lures. I do pick up bobbers too and kinda fun to see how those other fishermen fish with it.