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fish'n @ Deer Creek
Now that's funny Dennis. We were down in Green River at the State camp ground this summer. Had FB2 and my future son-in-law with us. Neither had fished these waters and neither had ever caught a catfish. The current is so swift there that FB2 tied a rope around his waist to jump into the river from the boat dock. Well I ask a local what they have for fish and was surprised to hear it was only cats. They do say there are some endangered chubs and something else there but have never caught any. So I buy some worms and stink bait. (don't buy stink bait in Green River the stuff I got was so old it was dried out) Went down to the rive and started catching cats on nearly every cast,(toss would be more correct then let the current whip it away) I had a blast but the boys didn't catch on at first. They thouhgt those tugs were the current. Once they figured it out, they just kept a fishin. When they ran out of worms they would go to town and buy more. Heck they bought every worm in town that day!! The had towait 2 days for the new supply to come in. Oh yeah they didn't catch that many fish so the cats around GR are sure fat these days!

Messages In This Thread
fish'n @ Deer Creek - by fishboy2 - 12-15-2002, 08:40 PM
Re: [fishboy2] fish'n @ Deer Creek - by PREDATOR - 12-16-2002, 02:15 PM
Re: [PREDATOR] fish'n @ Deer Creek - by DennisW - 12-16-2002, 11:09 PM
Re: [DennisW] fish'n @ Deer Creek - by road - 12-17-2002, 11:26 PM

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