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Pledge Update
[center][Image: MESS3307CustomImage0755124.gif][/center][center]I am a impostor sorry guys keep looking...[/center] [center] [/center]

You have a valid point that removal of materials is another attempt to ignore or even worse yet to not acknowledge that a certain types of persons live here beside us, we work with them, stand in line at the supermarket with them, sit beside them in theaters at sports games and even fight beside them in service.

The blatain acts of denial of the existance of our fellow man are the same as denying that toxic waist exist. Denial of both will lead to devastations, at best a break down in our social and ecological environments. In which case we cannot survive either way if the issues are not addressed.

I fully agree with you in that our educational system doses not cover sociology in the early phases of our education and it should be there. For that is the only chance our society has of surviving as a hole or in part. All religions and non-religions should be taught in our elementary schools so that our children will at least have an understanding of one another in hope of avoiding the holocaust we have lived in through past 75 years.

I fully understand that when our children show up to the kindergarten they should possess the knowledge of the alphabet, count to at least 10 and can tie their own shoelaces. If they do not have this knowledge our teachers who only want to deal with those students who already know what it is that the teacher is supposed to teach them stigmatize our kids. They will be placed in the slow learner category were they will not get the attention they need. But is it our job as parents to teach other beliefs to our children when we hardly know our own?

Shamefully our kids still graduate with an average reading level of only the third grade. With parents having only the comprehensions of a third grader with the basic knowledge third grade English, there is no wonder why this has come forth.

Our technical and population advances have acceded our ability to advance as a society

Our government’s sees poverty and unemployment as a slow or week economy and not for what it is. "Over population" our technical advances have released the need for the numbers of workers needed to sustain a steady existence yet we are allowed to continue to over populate to fatten only our richest’ pockets. So we build a surplus of stock and merchandise, thus every few years we need to shut/slow down the factory process to use up the materials accumulated.

Our government then calls it a recession when in fact it is a depleting process to remove/use up overstock. With 1/3rd of our working population not working at any given time (even during booming times) it is a wonder why or how merchandize shows up on the shelves. and that my friend is my evidence that we build up to a certain point then let it drop back down.

It is truly shameful how our governments and major corporations deceive us in to believing that we (quote Ronald Reagan) are starving to death here in the U.S. because we cant sell 10,000 cars in Japan in a year (end quote). If in the city of Detroit sold only 10,000 cars in a week per each of its counties of the metro area the big three would be screaming bloody murder.

That 1/3 rd of the population I spoke of will never ever own a new car, never own a house let alone a respectable apartment. If you haven’t guessed it yet, that same 1/3 of the united states population live in poverty with a good portion of that fraction being homeless, yet we have the gall to spend millions of dollars every year because we don’t like a word in our national pledge or like the lyrics of our anthem let alone like the color of our flag.

I find it brain numbing that there are those to wealthy to do who are analytically minded and cant see past the brown covering on their own noses to see the waist that they are personally causing. That money placed in the correct place can house and feed many of those homeless.

So what it comes down to is are we going to take the time to grow as a society - a civilization - in our humanity, not just here as a U.S. resident but a world citizen? [left] [/left]

Messages In This Thread
Pledge Update - by twoindyhicks - 12-11-2002, 03:30 AM
Re: [twoindyhicks] Pledge Update - by theangler - 12-13-2002, 12:27 AM
Re: [theangler] Pledge Update - by Xman - 12-24-2002, 10:49 PM
Re: [Xman] Pledge Update - by davetclown - 12-25-2002, 12:45 AM
Re: [davetclown] Pledge Update - by Xman - 12-25-2002, 08:07 AM
Re: [Xman] Pledge Update - by Xman - 12-25-2002, 08:14 AM
Re: [Xman] Pledge Update - by davetclown - 12-25-2002, 09:59 AM
Re: [davetclown] Pledge Update - by lonehunter - 12-25-2002, 03:58 PM

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