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Reading Deer Tracks
[center][Image: MESS3307CustomImage0895940.gif][/center][center]Hmmmmmm If I were a deer and I wanted to hide from a hunter (out fox) where would I hide?...I think I would hide in the last place any one would think of looking for me.[/center] [center][#ff0000]===================================[/#ff0000][/center] [center]Deer are prity smart when it comes to passing a hunter, if they spot you in your spot, they will look for you in that spot every time they come through there. they do have a good memory and remember all the signs of danger. Hence the stories of elucive big bucks that are rairly seen. [/center] [center]These bucks have learned to change their habits to aid in their ability to go undetected by hunters and other predators.[/center] [center]Lue as for the dragging of the feet, the only time I see this is on stumbs on deer paths and ocationaly when there are muddy conditions. Buck and Does do stop to scrach the ground once or twice and smell the ground to see how fresh the sent of other deer are. That is how they locate each other in the wild. [/center] [center] [/center]

Messages In This Thread
Reading Deer Tracks - by davetclown - 12-26-2002, 04:32 AM
Re: [davetclown] Reading Deer Tracks - by lou - 12-26-2002, 03:10 PM
Re: [davetclown] Reading Deer Tracks - by davetclown - 12-26-2002, 03:39 PM
Re: [davetclown] Reading Deer Tracks - by lou - 12-27-2002, 01:46 PM

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